The Alfresco Snug

The Alfresco snug is an amazing opportunity to enjoy your garden all year round. If you are a lover of being outdoors then this is a great way to use your outdoor space to suit your lifestyle. You can add your own furniture, have build in seating/daybed added, have an outdoor kitchen , office ,we can design what you visualise. The snug is so adaptable every garden/outdoor space should have one.

Imagine a lazy afternoon recharging your batteries, pull out the day bed and while away the hours. Grab a book, watch a film or just listen to the birdsong. A little snooze in the afternoon, in the fresh air is food for the soul.

Entertaining in your own garden is a must, have friends and family over to celebrate those special occasion or just a spur of the moment catch up, relaxing and enjoying each others company over dinner, BBQ or some nibbles, making memories and having quality time is priceless.
Posted on March 15th 2022